Fleet Management

Ensuring your AI solutions is always up and running
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If you are just starting out with AI and are installing new devices, you don't need to hire new staff to maintain them. We will provide full-service support for all your AI Edge devices and AI models.

Fleet management is a service that helps businesses efficiently manage their AI Edge fleet. It includes installation, configuration, monitoring, maintenance, and repair of the equipment.

Improve operational efficiency, reduce costs, and upgrade security.

Fleet Management Services

Installation of AI Hardware

Our expert technicians ensure a smooth and efficient installation of AI hardware across your fleet, minimizing disruption to your operations.

Monitoring of model performance

Gain real-time insights into the performance of your AI-powered fleet through our advanced monitoring system. Identify potential issues early on and optimize performance for maximum efficiency.

Proactive maintenance and repair

Our proactive maintenance approach prevent breakdowns and keep your fleet operating at peak performance. We'll identify and address potential issues before they escalate.

24/7 support for Edge devices

We ensure seamless integration and optimal performance for your edge AI fleet, keeping your operations at the forefront of technological advancements with comprehensive support for a wide range of edge devices.

AI model maintenance service

Our experts ensure your AI models perform at their best and are always reliable and up-to-date.

Key Features

No need for new hires

Avoid the expense of recruiting, onboarding, and training new staff to manage your AI hardware. You gain access to this expertise without the need to invest in internal training programs.

Uninterrupted operations

In case of a breakdown, we ensure minimal disruption. We'll swiftly replace faulty components while repairing them concurrently.

24/7 support

Our technical support team is available 24/7 to ensure your devices are up and running smoothly, and resolve any issue, anytime.

Schedule a meeting?

Arrange a call or visit our office in Copenhagen

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